Monday, April 22, 2013

We're having a heat wave....

It was hot today-- 92, to be exact. Much too hot for April if you ask me! We planned to stay inside to escape the heat. Playing with baby dolls and loading the miniature wagon with small treasures to pull around while we stayed cool blasting our air conditioner.

And it was perfect until we heard a big boom followed by another one! Our power went out along with everyone else's  who lives in our square! We stayed inside for a bit, sans a/c, sans music, sans any moving air at all...


Millie started getting cranky, and I don't blame her. The heat started creeping up fast, so we headed outside to stomp in some puddles, and play with chalk!

If you EVER have a cranky baby, just hand her a hose trickling with a tiny stream of water. I'm telling you.... HOURS of entertainment. 

Oh yeah, the puppy will be happy too!

Anyway, today was a perfect day for a power outage. :)

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