Monday, April 1, 2013


Now that Easter is over, I've had some time to sit and edit some of the photos from our holiday!

My favorite part of any holiday are the traditions that have been passed down, and the new ones that we get to start. We did our annual brown-egg dying session.

but we also took some notes from Pinterest and started some new traditions!
I have horrible writing, so it only took me 239879283 times to write "Happy Easter" before it looked presentable for our front door. Ahh, the beauty of chalkboards-- So easy to erase! We also planted flowers in a pallet. It really spruced up our garden which was nice for our egg hunt! (For directions on how to make your own garden pallet, go here!)

A couple of weeks ago, we did a family photo session which was really fun. We found a mustard field that was in full bloom and we took advantage of it's spring gorgeousness!

We are really taking advantage of this season! How are you celebrating spring?

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